Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (2024)


Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script

In file transfer scenarios, there are times when both the sender and the receiver want evidence that the file being transferred has been received and written to the recipient's file system without corruption or tampering.

The SFTP protocol is implemented over an SSH2 transport, which ensures data integrity of a file while in transit between client and server.

But what if you want to provide another means of verification?

This tip describes a solution that uses VShell as a file transfer server configured with a trigger that will:

  • Automatically create a hash of a received file,
  • Compare it with a hash of the same file provided by the client, and
  • Provide email notification if the server-generated hash doesn't match the client-generated hash.

Design Overview
The goal is to provide both the client and the server with a way to verify the integrity of a data file that has been uploaded from the client to the server.

The design decisions outlined below provide one example of how to achieve this goal:

Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (1)

The following describes this process in detail:

  1. Before uploading any data file, the client will first generate a hash file containing a hash value of the data file's contents.

    This hash file has the following format:

    hash_algorithm (file_name) = file_hash_result

    The sha256sum ( command-line utility available on an Ubuntu machine provides this format (using the SHA2-256 hashing algorithm) when the -tag command-line option is supplied. For example:

    $ sha256sum -tag DataFile.dat > DataFile.dat#client_hash#.txt$ cat DataFile.dat#client_hash#.txtSHA256 (DataFile.dat) = 179dcc5ace4b7f4b1ffd02c65d33fb01b9ae7053e8e294e3a9a30b7244c1411d
  2. After the client has generated the hash file, it will first upload the data file, DataFile.dat. The upload is accomplished using the scp utility with public-key authentication. To facilitate automation, the private key file does not have a passphrase.
  3. Once the data file has been uploaded, the client will upload the hash file, DataFile.dat#client_hash#.txt, to the same location on the remote file transfer server.
  4. After uploading the hash file, the client will wait for the server to generate its own version of the hash file.
  5. Once the server (VShell) receives both the data file and the hash file, VShell will generate a hash file of its own, using the same algorithm indicated in the hash file the client just uploaded: DataFile.dat#server_hash#.txt.
  6. After VShell has generated its own hash file, it compares its own hash value with the one provided by the client (as read from the client's hash file). If the values do not match, an email is sent with notification of the mismatch.
  7. Once the hash file has been generated on the server's side, the client will download the server-generated hash file, DataFile.dat#server_hash#.txt, and compare its contents with the hash it already generated, displaying information to the client-side end user indicating match/mismatch.

Configuration Overview
The configuration in this scenario involves two machines:

  • A Windows machine on which VShell has been installed.

    VShell is configured with a file upload trigger. This trigger fires off a command whenever a file upload event completes. This trigger command launches a powershell script, ValidateFileReceivedByHashComparison.ps1.txt. The powershell script accepts arguments that control specific script behaviors.

  • An Ubuntu machine on which the scp and sha256sum command-line utilities are available by default.

    A shell script, upload-file-with-hash.txt, facilitates the client-side steps of generating the hash file, uploading both the data file and the hash file, downloading the server-generated hash file, and comparing the two hash values.

Windows VShell Configuration
Here are the steps for setting up VShell on your Windows machine.

  1. Download VShell for Windows.

    This is a free download that will provide you with an initial evaluation period. If you want to continue to use VShell beyond the evaluation period, simply purchase a license and apply your license data to your existing installation.

  2. Install VShell.

    This is a straightforward process that involves running the VShell InstallShield Wizard, clicking a few Next buttons, followed by Install, then Finish. Administrator access is required to install VShell.

  3. Reboot the Windows machine following your install.

    Rebooting allows Windows to load the public-key authentication module. If you only want to provide password authentication, you can defer the reboot until you need public-key authentication.

  4. Configure VShell.

    Configuration of VShell is done through the VShell Control Panel applet. VShell places the applet in the Windows Control Panel area, but you can also launch it directly by running VShellCP.exe (found in VShell's program files location).

    Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (2)
    1. This step is required. Download the example powershell script, ValidateFileReceivedByHashComparison.ps1.txt, that will do the work. Then, set up a file upload trigger to launch the powershell script.

      Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (3)

      • For A in the far right of the graphic above, the Command value is entered as follows:
      • For B in the graphic above, the Parameters value is as follows:
        -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\Program Files\VanDyke Software\VShell\ValidateFileReceivedByHashComparison.ps1" -file %P -admin_email -client_email -client_ip %I -client_username %U
        • VShell dynamically replaces the %P, %I and %U substitutions with the path to the uploaded file, the IP address of the connected client, and the username that the connected client used for authentication.
        • Replace with your own administrator email address.
        • Replace, with the client organization's email address.
    1. Optional: Configure Access Control to restrict access to only logon and file transfer functionality.
    2. Optional: Configure Virtual Roots to lock users down to specific folders.
    3. Optional: Configure Logging to enable Debug log file messages so that information for troubleshooting will be available in case of an unexpected failure.

Ubuntu Client-Side Configuration
By default, Ubuntu comes with the scp client, as well as the sha256sum command-line utility. If your Ubuntu machine does not have scp or sha256sum installed, you can download these free of charge from an open source software site.

Below are configuration steps on the client side that will facilitate ease of use.

  • Use a shell script to do all the client-side work of creating the hash file, uploading the data file, uploading the hash file, downloading the server's hash file, comparing the values, etc.

    You can download the example shell script, upload-file-with-hash.txt, that does this work.

  • Use public-key authentication to facilitate prompt-free (or "automated") connectivity to the VShell server.
    1. If you already have a public/private key pair generated, skip to Step 3 below.
    2. Generate a public/private key pair on the Ubuntu machine using the following command sequence (see green text in the code example below) entered at the terminal shell prompt.

      Note: When prompted for a passphrase for your private key, leave it blank and press Enter.

      $ cd ~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ecdsa):Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):Enter same passphrase again:Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_ecdsa.Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_ecdsa/pub.The key fingerprint is:SHA256:t/Fk9eR6OGdH6ovFVyn4tRKryw62q80fpLsZRNnzjL9$ cat id_ecdsa.pubecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAElGn8qCSi7nOLR6hljvqXg+JjmctwEQW1cwAMGZTHikafersFiB6eAkySpjYCPZGaE0VgVD/9LEhEgIS3NkeOfdQD2ru7T7J6+wi0yM+hOrZ4RgCj9x5kbXijibXCLvTVupHwhOm68wHk+XOO5ArtlDIu33DwSjCncJbvQBsd5fvw2Tg== user@linuxtwo
    3. Copy and email the file to the VShell administrator.

      The VShell administrator will either:

      • Manually copy the .pub file into VShell's PublicKey subfolder matching your user account name, or
      • Use the VShell control panel to configure your account there to allow publickey authentication for your username.
        Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (4)

Testing the Client and Server Configuration
Once both the Windows VShell server machine and the Ubuntu client machine have been configured, testing can begin.

To test the success case, log onto the Ubuntu client machine and run the example upload-file-with-hash shell script, passing in as arguments the name of the file you wish to upload and a user@host:dir specification representing the VShell Windows machine as the desired destination. For example:

./upload-file-with-hash DataFile.dat user@

To test the failure case, run the same example shell script on the Ubuntu machine, but with the --test-failure command-line option, which will simulate a failure by uploading a hash file that has extra data appended so that the hash file is different than expected. For example:

./upload-file-with-hash --test-failure DataFile.dat user@
Configuring VShell for Windows to Verify the Integrity of Uploaded Files Using a File Upload Trigger and Powershell Script (2024)
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