satpy.readers.eps_l1b — Satpy 0.48.1.dev0+ga141d5ef7.d20240422 documentation (2024)

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Satpy developers## This file is part of satpy.## satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later# version.## satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with# satpy. If not, see <>."""Reader for eps level 1b data. Uses xml files as a format description."""import functoolsimport loggingimport dask.array as daimport numpy as npimport xarray as xrfrom dask.delayed import delayedfrom pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinitionfrom satpy._compat import cached_propertyfrom satpy._config import get_config_pathfrom satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandlerfrom satpy.readers.xmlformat import XMLFormatfrom satpy.utils import get_legacy_chunk_sizelogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)CHUNK_SIZE = get_legacy_chunk_size()C1 = 1.191062e-05 # mW/(m2*sr*cm-4)C2 = 1.4387863 # K/cm-1

[docs]def radiance_to_bt(arr, wc_, a__, b__): """Convert to BT in K.""" return a__ + b__ * (C2 * wc_ / (da.log(1 + (C1 * (wc_ ** 3) / arr))))

[docs]def radiance_to_refl(arr, solar_flux): """Convert to reflectances in %.""" return arr * np.pi * 100.0 / solar_flux

record_class = ["Reserved", "mphr", "sphr", "ipr", "geadr", "giadr", "veadr", "viadr", "mdr"]

[docs]def read_records(filename): """Read *filename* without scaling it afterwards.""" format_fn = get_config_path("eps_avhrrl1b_6.5.xml") form = XMLFormat(format_fn) grh_dtype = np.dtype([("record_class", "|i1"), ("INSTRUMENT_GROUP", "|i1"), ("RECORD_SUBCLASS", "|i1"), ("RECORD_SUBCLASS_VERSION", "|i1"), ("RECORD_SIZE", ">u4"), ("RECORD_START_TIME", "S6"), ("RECORD_STOP_TIME", "S6")]) max_lines = np.floor((CHUNK_SIZE ** 2) / 2048) dtypes = [] cnt = 0 counts = [] classes = [] prev = None with open(filename, "rb") as fdes: while True: grh = np.fromfile(fdes, grh_dtype, 1) if grh.size == 0: break rec_class = record_class[int(grh["record_class"].squeeze())] sub_class = grh["RECORD_SUBCLASS"][0] expected_size = int(grh["RECORD_SIZE"].squeeze()) bare_size = expected_size - grh_dtype.itemsize try: the_type = form.dtype((rec_class, sub_class)) # the_descr = grh_dtype.descr + the_type.descr except KeyError: the_type = np.dtype([("unknown", "V%d" % bare_size)]) the_descr = grh_dtype.descr + the_type.descr the_type = np.dtype(the_descr) if the_type.itemsize < expected_size: padding = [("unknown%d" % cnt, "V%d" % (expected_size - the_type.itemsize))] cnt += 1 the_descr += padding new_dtype = np.dtype(the_descr) key = (rec_class, sub_class) if key == prev: counts[-1] += 1 else: dtypes.append(new_dtype) counts.append(1) classes.append(key) prev = key - grh_dtype.itemsize, 1) sections = {} offset = 0 for dtype, count, rec_class in zip(dtypes, counts, classes): if rec_class == ("mdr", 2): record = da.from_array(np.memmap(fdes, mode="r", dtype=dtype, shape=count, offset=offset), chunks=(max_lines,)) else: record = np.fromfile(fdes, dtype=dtype, count=count) offset += dtype.itemsize * count if rec_class in sections: logger.debug("Multiple records for ", str(rec_class)) sections[rec_class] = np.hstack((sections[rec_class], record)) else: sections[rec_class] = record return sections, form

[docs]def create_xarray(arr): """Create xarray with correct dimensions.""" res = arr res = xr.DataArray(res, dims=["y", "x"]) return res

[docs]class EPSAVHRRFile(BaseFileHandler): """Eps level 1b reader for AVHRR data.""" spacecrafts = {"M01": "Metop-B", "M02": "Metop-A", "M03": "Metop-C", } sensors = {"AVHR": "avhrr-3"} units = {"reflectance": "%", "brightness_temperature": "K", "radiance": "W m^-2 sr^-1"} def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Initialize FileHandler.""" super(EPSAVHRRFile, self).__init__( filename, filename_info, filetype_info) self.area = None self._start_time = filename_info["start_time"] self._end_time = filename_info["end_time"] self.form = None self.scanlines = None self.pixels = None self.sections = None self.get_full_angles = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1)( self._get_full_angles_uncached ) self.get_full_lonlats = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1)( self._get_full_lonlats_uncached )

[docs] def _read_all(self): logger.debug("Reading %s", self.filename) self.sections, self.form = read_records(self.filename) self.scanlines = self["TOTAL_MDR"] if self.scanlines != len(self.sections[("mdr", 2)]): logger.warning("Number of declared records doesn't match number of scanlines in the file.") self.scanlines = len(self.sections[("mdr", 2)]) self.pixels = self["EARTH_VIEWS_PER_SCANLINE"]

def __getitem__(self, key): """Get value for given key.""" for altkey in self.form.scales: try: try: return self.sections[altkey][key] * self.form.scales[altkey][key] except TypeError: val = self.sections[altkey][key].item().decode().split("=")[1] try: return float(val) * self.form.scales[altkey][key].item() except ValueError: return val.strip() except (KeyError, ValueError): continue raise KeyError("No matching value for " + str(key))

[docs] def keys(self): """List of reader's keys.""" keys = [] for val in self.form.scales.values(): keys += val.dtype.fields.keys() return keys

[docs] def _get_full_lonlats_uncached(self): """Get the interpolated longitudes and latitudes.""" raw_lats = np.hstack((self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][:, [0]], self["EARTH_LOCATIONS"][:, :, 0], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][:, [0]])) raw_lons = np.hstack((self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][:, [1]], self["EARTH_LOCATIONS"][:, :, 1], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][:, [1]])) return self._interpolate(raw_lons, raw_lats)

[docs] def _interpolate(self, lons_like, lats_like): nav_sample_rate = self["NAV_SAMPLE_RATE"] if nav_sample_rate == 20 and self.pixels == 2048: lons_like_1km, lats_like_1km = _interpolate_20km_to_1km(lons_like, lats_like) lons_like_1km = da.from_delayed(lons_like_1km, dtype=lons_like.dtype, shape=(self.scanlines, self.pixels)) lats_like_1km = da.from_delayed(lats_like_1km, dtype=lats_like.dtype, shape=(self.scanlines, self.pixels)) return lons_like_1km, lats_like_1km raise NotImplementedError("Lon/lat and angle expansion not implemented for " + "sample rate = " + str(nav_sample_rate) + " and earth views = " + str(self.pixels))

[docs] def _get_full_angles(self, solar_zenith, sat_zenith, solar_azimuth, sat_azimuth): nav_sample_rate = self["NAV_SAMPLE_RATE"] if nav_sample_rate == 20 and self.pixels == 2048: # Note: interpolation assumes second array values between -90 and 90 # Solar and satellite zenith is between 0 and 180. sun_azi, sun_zen = self._interpolate(solar_azimuth, solar_zenith - 90) sun_zen += 90 sat_azi, sat_zen = self._interpolate(sat_azimuth, sat_zenith - 90) sat_zen += 90 return sun_azi, sun_zen, sat_azi, sat_zen else: raise NotImplementedError("Angles expansion not implemented for " + "sample rate = " + str(nav_sample_rate) + " and earth views = " + str(self.pixels))

[docs] def _get_full_angles_uncached(self): """Get the interpolated angles.""" solar_zenith = np.hstack((self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_FIRST"][:, [0]], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS"][:, :, 0], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_LAST"][:, [0]])) sat_zenith = np.hstack((self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_FIRST"][:, [1]], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS"][:, :, 1], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_LAST"][:, [1]])) solar_azimuth = np.hstack((self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_FIRST"][:, [2]], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS"][:, :, 2], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_LAST"][:, [2]])) sat_azimuth = np.hstack((self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_FIRST"][:, [3]], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS"][:, :, 3], self["ANGULAR_RELATIONS_LAST"][:, [3]])) return self._get_full_angles(solar_zenith, sat_zenith, solar_azimuth, sat_azimuth)

[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """Get bounding box.""" if self.sections is None: self._read_all() lats = np.hstack([self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][0, [0]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][0, [0]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][-1, [0]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][-1, [0]]]) lons = np.hstack([self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][0, [1]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][0, [1]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_LAST"][-1, [1]], self["EARTH_LOCATION_FIRST"][-1, [1]]]) return lons.ravel(), lats.ravel()

[docs] def get_dataset(self, key, info): """Get calibrated channel data.""" if self.sections is None: self._read_all() try: dataset = self._get_data_array(key) except KeyError:"Can't load channel in eps_l1b: " + str(key["name"])) return dataset.attrs["platform_name"] = self.platform_name dataset.attrs["sensor"] = self.sensor_name if "calibration" in key: dataset.attrs["units"] = self.units[key["calibration"]] dataset.attrs.update(info) dataset.attrs.update(key.to_dict()) return dataset

[docs] def _get_data_array(self, key): name = key["name"] if name in ["longitude", "latitude"]: data = self.get_full_lonlats()[int(name == "latitude")] dataset = create_xarray(data) elif name in ["solar_zenith_angle", "solar_azimuth_angle", "satellite_zenith_angle", "satellite_azimuth_angle"]: dataset = self._get_angle_dataarray(key) elif name in ["1", "2", "3a", "3A", "3b", "3B", "4", "5"]: dataset = self._get_calibrated_dataarray(key) elif name == "cloud_flags": array = self["CLOUD_INFORMATION"] dataset = create_xarray(array) else: raise KeyError(f"Unknown channel: {name}") return dataset

[docs] def _get_angle_dataarray(self, key): """Get an angle dataarray.""" arr_index = { "solar_azimuth_angle": 0, "solar_zenith_angle": 1, "satellite_azimuth_angle": 2, "satellite_zenith_angle": 3, }[key["name"]] data = self.get_full_angles()[arr_index] return create_xarray(data)

@cached_property def three_a_mask(self): """Mask for 3A.""" return (self["FRAME_INDICATOR"] & 2 ** 16) != 2 ** 16 @cached_property def three_b_mask(self): """Mask for 3B.""" return (self["FRAME_INDICATOR"] & 2 ** 16) != 0

[docs] def _get_calibrated_dataarray(self, key): """Get a calibrated dataarray.""" if key["calibration"] not in ["reflectance", "brightness_temperature", "radiance"]: raise ValueError("calibration type " + str(key["calibration"]) + " is not supported!") mask = None channel_name = key["name"].upper() radiance_indices = {"1": 0, "2": 1, "3A": 2, "3B": 2, "4": 3, "5": 4} array = self["SCENE_RADIANCES"][:, radiance_indices[channel_name], :] if channel_name in ["1", "2", "3A"]: if key["calibration"] == "reflectance": array = radiance_to_refl(array, self[f"CH{channel_name}_SOLAR_FILTERED_IRRADIANCE"]) if channel_name == "3A": mask = self.three_a_mask[:, np.newaxis] if channel_name in ["3B", "4", "5"]: if key["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature": array = radiance_to_bt(array, self[f"CH{channel_name}_CENTRAL_WAVENUMBER"], self[f"CH{channel_name}_CONSTANT1"], self[f"CH{channel_name}_CONSTANT2_SLOPE"]) if channel_name == "3B": mask = self.three_b_mask[:, np.newaxis] dataset = create_xarray(array) if mask is not None: dataset = dataset.where(~mask) return dataset

[docs] def get_lonlats(self): """Get lonlats.""" if self.area is None: lons, lats = self.get_full_lonlats() self.area = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) = "_".join([self.platform_name, str(self.start_time), str(self.end_time)]) return self.area

@property def platform_name(self): """Get platform name.""" return self.spacecrafts[self["SPACECRAFT_ID"]] @property def sensor_name(self): """Get sensor name.""" return self.sensors[self["INSTRUMENT_ID"]] @property def start_time(self): """Get start time.""" # return datetime.strptime(self["SENSING_START"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") return self._start_time @property def end_time(self): """Get end time.""" # return datetime.strptime(self["SENSING_END"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ") return self._end_time

@delayed(nout=2, pure=True)def _interpolate_20km_to_1km(lons, lats): # Note: delayed will cast input dask-arrays to numpy arrays (needed by metop20kmto1km). from geotiepoints import metop20kmto1km return metop20kmto1km(lons, lats)
satpy.readers.eps_l1b — Satpy 0.48.1.dev0+ga141d5ef7.d20240422 documentation (2024)
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